What do we bring to the table?

We perform and produce results!

This is our history:

2024-2024 | Commitment banner
We collaborated with Perstorp AB in Site Toledo, Ohio. We created a big banner with motivational and engaging content. A short collaboration but our clients loved it. 

2023-2024 | Email marketing
We worked together with a small business selling LEGO. We created a mailing list for them and implemented some of our business strategies. Our analysis proved to be effective, our client got a 10% increase on their revenue per month after only 2 months.

2023-2023 | Sales descriptions
During half a year we created about 50 sales descriptions for vintage lego sets. We used our knowledge and we got about 15% more money for every product than what people usually get for the same kind of product. This is just one example of the many benefits of skilled copywriting.